Healthy Holidays
Holidays can be a source of stress in many ways; financially, physically, emotionally. We want to give our families the best possible holiday, we may not be able to spend our holiday season together in a traditional manner, we may be facing issues with employment, etc. It will all work out. I remember one year I was heartbroken that I could not give my girls the Christmas I wanted to and they decorated our vacuum cleaner as a Christmas tree. Yes, the vacuum cleaner. The main point I should have focused on was we loved each other, we were healthy, and we were okay. So, how then can we make holidays healthier this year?
First off, we must remember, that we are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, but we are not AT the end of the tunnel yet. We want to be with loved ones, but we must protect our families and ourselves to ensure we have future celebrations. We may be facing job loss and/or economic hardship, but we can work around that. We can make a heartfelt gift for our loved ones and while it may not be all glittery or pricey; IT is made with Love and Hope. We are not the first to go through tough times and we won’t be the last, but we can make it count!!!!
If we are fortunate enough to be able to see some small segment of our families, let us remember; food is good, but not an excessive amount. Alcohol is okay, but limited in quantity. We can have one or two cookies after dinner, versus a half a tray!!! We can have one glass of wine, versus a six pack or more. We can offer the last biscuit to a loved one instead of jumping on getting that last bit of food. We can share food with those who are less fortunate than we are. We can pay for someone’s layaway and ensure they are able to actually give their family a Christmas.
Remember, we don’t have to gorge our bodies with food and drink. Our week four video on Youtube helps us remember to take small steps and be mindful. The start of something really big begins with the tiniest step or seed. Imagine the mighty oak that grows out of the tiny acorn. One seed can be the idea, the vision, the dream; and then we begin to plan how our vision will look after we have completed the steps. Then we work backwards planning and “Seeing” how we got to the final destination.
Share what makes you special; your smile, your kind heart, a kind word. Give rather than receive, smile rather than frown, speak with kindness rather than with anger or worse. Lend a hand where you can. Self love doesn’t have to be selfish. It can be beautiful and abundant. I wish everyone a season of love, peace, hope, and joy. Love yourself. Love your family, and show a stranger kindness. That can do more for your health and well-being than anything. And as always, stay healthy, stay hydrated and stay focused!!!!