How to be safe when working out at home
Many people worry that working out at home may not be as safe. Some simple tips can help you ensure that your workout area is safe. First, make sure you have good equipment that is not worn or damaged. Also, you want to make sure there are no rugs that create trip and fall hazards. Lastly, have a phone nearby just in case you do somehow get injured so that you can call for help. You always, always, always want to make sure your doctor has cleared you to start an exercise program. You also want to be sure that you start slowly, simply because after being sedentary, your body needs time to adapt to getting active again. Once you have set up your workout area, you want then you can begin your warm up. Have plenty of space to move around and make sure any furniture is out of the way.
If you are doing a chair exercise program, you want to make sure the chair Is sturdy, the chair is in a position that gives you room to lift your legs, extend your legs, and to move freely. It is also important to have your equipment close to your chair, but not in a spot where you will keep hitting the equipment. If you will be mixing the exercises by standing and sitting, make sure the weights or other equipment is not somewhere you can step on them and possibly trip or fall. You can also use the wall or the counter tops in the kitchen or if you have an open floor plan and a kitchen island, then you have an almost ideal set up for doing modified squats, push ups, and stretches. If the floor covering is different in the kitchen versus the living room which is typical, then be sure you are wearing good stable shoes to prevent slipping and falling.
With some simple precautions, preparation, and careful planning, there is no reason not to get a good workout in the home. Your schedule may need to be adjusted if you work for an employer and you are on modified work from home orders. Just remember, that planning and preparation will always help you get the most benefit from your schedule. I hope everyone is staying healthy, hydrated and focused. Remember that with small steps, and with careful and thoughtful planning, you can reach some amazing goals. While it does take some work, any goals worth achieving are always worth the effort. Have a wonderful weekend.