Mindfulness and journey continues
Good afternoon everyone!!! Sorry for the late posting, but I’m trying to upload a video for you to multiple locations. So, today began similar to yesterday; workout at the gym with 30 minutes cardio and 20 minutes of weights. I am being vigilant and doing oil pulling in the morning as well, then I make sure I’m getting my vitamins and nutrients, and I’m varying my diet. I’m in day 3 of my new journey and feeling great. It is funny how I now notice others who may be having similar issues, but how do you ask someone tactfully if weight gain is a problem and do they want to change it?
I had a very nice salad for lunch and I have already had my daily water intake. I’m feeling amazing and I hope to see results in the coming days that continue to motivate me. I am currently posting our week 1 overview of mindfulness to our Youtube channel and I hope this information is inspiring, motivational, and useful. As I did the recorded review this morning, I really enjoyed sharing some useful information as well as some wonderful memories I have gained over the years. I am also recognizing the importance of ensuring I get adequate vitamin and mineral intake.
So, as we begin a new month, I am hoping that your stress levels are remaining low and under control. While teaching psychology courses, I always remind students that stress and hormones are linked and we review the flight or fight response and the psychological impact on the body. Racing heart, jittery, anxiety, and an urge to stand and fight or to flee for self preservation. I am mindful of my stress levels, of my daily practices, what I am doing well, what I need to change, etc. So, as you come on this journey with me, I hope you are gaining valuable insight and tips to strengthen your own journey or to start a new one.