Natural ways to stay healthy
One facet of health and wellness for me that has remained consistent is how to stay healthy naturally. Many fantastic supplements are available and offer multiple benefits. Moringa is one of these herbs and it is amazing. This beautiful little plant offers protection for skin cells, may prevent the development of cancer, protects hair from free radicals, and the list goes on and on. In the islands of the Turks & Caicos, this little plant is used to flavor some wonderful dishes.
This article by Tobias Roberts even offers suggestions for how to use Moringa leaves in healthy dishes to enhance their wonderful benefits. https://www.permaculturenews.org/2017/09/04/health-benefits-miracle-tree-moringa-tree/ Additional benefits outlined here by Atli Arnarson present science-based data related to moringa leaf ingestion. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/6-benefits-of-moringa-oleifera
I consistently research and seek out information on holistic health because over the years I have come to realize the significance of naturalistic and homeopathic herbs. I have had to advocate for myself and for family members with mainstream medical facilities that turned out less than what I had hoped for many times. I firmly state when I see a new practitioner that I will not accept a prescription unless the condition is life threatening or truly warrants prescription medication to resolve the medical concern.
This is important now more than ever. While most medicines may be derived from plant based formulas, it is the additional ingredients that are added during the formulation that create side effects, creating the need for another medicine, and so that vicious circle begins. Before we know it, we can be taking more than 5 prescriptions to offset side effects when we thought our concerns related to something minor or a condition that had been caught in the early stages.
I hope this information helps and that you begin taking a more proactive approach to health and well-being. Remember, we get one shot at our time here, so let us make sure it is quality time and time well spent. From the moment we wake up to the moment we close our eyes for rest, we have a choice in how we move, if we move, what we eat, and what we ingest. Make sure to make good healthful choices and take care of yourself as if you are royalty.
I am not prescribing any treatments here, nor am I professing to have any medical background, so understand that this information is based solely upon personal experience and research. I recommend that an individual ALWAYS speak to his or her medical professional before making any changes in a prescribed medical regimen. My message here is one of caution; one that reminds us to go into our health and well-being with an open mind and to truly honor our individual self.