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Why we need the fresh air

Good morning everyone!!!!! Happy Wednesday!!!!! So, are you aching to ditch the air conditioning and open the windows and doors for some fresh air? We are all tired of being cooped up, but we can take short walks, long walks, open the windows, turn on the ceiling fans, etc. Remember, we need Vitamin D as well and we get that from the sun. We still need to wear sunblock to protect our skin, but the sun is not as strong now, so it makes those outdoor walks great exercise.

Now I know that some of you in the Midwest are getting snow and ice; some of you (such as those of you in the desert southwest or in more southern states, may still have higher temps to contend with. So, how then do we get fresh air if the temperatures are freezing or if we are still in high humidity areas? This is going to be a growing concern as we head into the fall and winter seasons with the pandemic still rampant. I understand that there are times when we are not able to enjoy mother nature. Do the best you can with the weather you have.

As the days get shorter, those of you who are still working in the office environment, or in retail, etc., may have an even harder time getting fresh air. Just remember, that if you are confined to the indoors, wear a mask when around others you don’t know, wash your hands, stay six feet or more away from each other. If you are fortunate enough to have a gym that you feel is safe to attend, then remember; you are not the ONLY one in the gym. YOU are there to get healthy, not get COVID-19. Be considerate and be vigilant. Enjoy the fresh air walking to and from the building.

Today is a blessing in my region because I can open the windows (important for fresh air and for expelling strong fumes from cleaning). I also try to vary my workouts and mix them between the gym and the outdoors. I also try to wear my Fitbit even when I go grocery shopping to get those steps down on record. There are so many ways we miss out on staying healthy. Walking, if done for at least 30 minutes is a great low impact workout. Walking also permits us to walk 60 or 90 minutes if we have the time and the energy. We can carry small hand weights while we walk to boost our metabolic rate.

Hiking is another awesome low impact workout that takes us outdoors and into the fresh air. Biking around our neighborhood or swimming in the pool if the weather permits. If you need a safer area to workout in the neighborhood, check out local tracks. The bleachers add intensity if you walk up and down the steps and add muscle to our legs. Remember to take advantage of every day, every task that elevates your heart rate, and take the time to make YOU a priority. Also remember, if you are not comfortable indoors doing your workout, you can get great workouts from home.

As always, I hope you are working on your health; mentally, spiritually, and physically. Meditate to reduce stress, walk to maintain a healthy weight or perform other low impact exercises, examine other holistic health practices. If acupuncture doesn’t appeal to you, then look into massage. Chiropractic methods also help our bodies with alignment and performance. Drink that water!!!! Stay focused, stay healthy, stay hydrated, and stay safe!!!!

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Melanie Meade

Ms. Meade has over 20 years in the business sector. Ms. Meade also has experience as a certified personal trainer, group fitness instruction, and as a psychology instructor. Ms. Meade is an avid fitness enthusiast and works hard to maintain healthy lifestyle practices.

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